Kid’s Guide
Children are naturally curious and inquisitive. Teaching them about other cultures is a wonderful way to introduce them to the greater world and celebrate differences.
Our Malaysia Kids’ Guide is a 30-page electronic booklet designed to introduce young people to the culture, people, language, geography, history, names, holidays, festivals, food, national symbols, attractions, and fun facts for Malaysia.
The Malaysia Kids’ Guide is very colorful and friendly, contains lots of photos, and describes the country from the perspective of young people introducing their country to other young people.
The Malaysia Kids’ Guide is a must-have for families with children contemplating an overseas posting for business, government, missionary work, or for NGOs. It is also very popular with students and teachers who wish to learn about Malaysia for classroom projects.
Appropriate for ages 5–16.
Content: This Malaysia—Kids’ Guide contains 14 content modules, 30+ photographs, and a minimum of 28 pages of editorial.
The 14 content modules for Malaysia are:
- Welcome to Malaysia
- Where in the World?
- Can You Find It?
- History
- People
- Names
- Learn the Language
- Holidays and Festivals
- Food
- Recipe
- National Symbols
- Things to See and Do
- Location Guide
- Fun Facts
Users: World Trade Press country reports are used extensively by diplomats, travelers, global businesses, students, teachers, government officials, trade promotion organizations, international banks, NGOs, and agencies of foreign governments.
Note: This report is drawn from the World Trade Press proprietary “Global Knowledgebase” which is continuously updated by our global team of researchers, writers, cartographers, photographers, illustrators, government sources, and contract information providers. All reports are generated in real time and contain the most current information available.
Report Date: February 12, 2025
Delivery Format: PDF download in letter (8.5” x 11”) format.
Usage: For individual and small group usage only. Not for reproduction, distribution, or posting.
Copyright: Copyright 1993–2025 by World Trade Press. All Rights Reserved.
Price: US$9.00 / €9,00